
Has anyone who is taking a beta blocker actually experienced it CAUSING trembling and/or weird head pain?

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I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and my endocrinologist has placed me on Propanalol 10 mg. to help control the anxiety, palpitations, and high BP. Last night was the first night I took it and about an hour afterward I started to tremble and then got these weird pains shooting through my head in the temples. I asked two pharmacists today and they said to continue taking it for three days to see if the initial symptoms won't subside once my body adjusts. I also tried to contact my doctor and his nurse said he would call me back but he hasn't. Anyway, anyone ever experienced anything like this?




  1. Sounds like a "paradoxical reaction". Supposed to be pretty rare, but it does happen. See:

    I suspect this has happened to me with short-acting hypnotics. Either that, or "interdose withdrawal" as a function of their typically short half life. For various reasons, though (that are rather long-winded and not helpful for you) I would 'bet' on "paradoxical reaction". Scary S**t, though, right? Instead of the drug doing what it should, to presumably "help", a total exacerbation of symptoms; an opposite reaction.

    If you're having these reactions straight out of the shoot, I wouldn't take them. Try something else. Kind of helps "condition" the initial anxiety, doesn't it?

    Anyway, sorry for the crappy experience, man. Your reactive anecdote sounds really familiar ;-).

    Best wishes :-)

    EDIT: BTW: my hypothesis with you is "paradoxical reaction" and not hypotension (i.e., that it lowered your blood pressure too much) since you cited only taking it last night, for the first time. Plus, not very likely, even with longer term admin, in light of not having very low blood pressure, already.

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