
Has anyone whom was adopted told their birth parents were deceased..?

by  |  earlier

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and later on found out they were alive?what followed afterwards? Thank you.




  1. I was told that I won't be able to handle the truth about my birth mother. I am still yet to find that out. It was my mum that told my brother that and when I asked her if she said that she told me she never said such a thing and she hasn't a clue as it was an adoption where she knew nothing.  :)

  2. Heather is correct. I have talked with those on both sides - mothers who were told their baby died and adoptees who were told their birth parents were dead - both only to find out later it was a lie. Unless you know your birth parents names and have seen an obit and/or death certificate you can't know for sure that it's the truth.

    My adoptive parents told me lies about my natural family and the agency told my natural mother lies about the people that adopted me. All sugar-coated lies to make it seem like the best thing.

  3. sick, sick, SICK!!!

    who are they to do that? i think if i would have had a lie that big told to me i would have knocked someones block off.

    and they wonder why adoptees seem so "angry" LIES thats why!

    im sorry, i have no answer. i was not told that, i have no exposure to anyone that was. it just makes me so angry to know this happens. what twisted mind thinks this is a good thing to tell someone?

    grrrr.... sorry, im tired again and things like this drive me nuts.

  4. Not me personally but I know alot of adoptees who were told that only to later find them alive and well

    Also there are lots of mothers who were told their babies were stillborn - they also found their grown kids alive and well

    Nasty business, adoption.

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