
Has anyone won anything on the Subway Scrabble Instant game?

by  |  earlier

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I mean the one that spins the wheel after you enter the code. I entered about 25 codes with nothing.




  1. don't think so

  2. my boss won a cookie and a soda....

  3. i guess your one of the few people who think the mcdonalds monopoly game, and the subway scrabble game is winable. no one is ever on the news saying i won subway scrabble! the only thing you ever win is food (and they hardly want to give that away).

  4. Nope, not me.  I haven't won anything.  

  5. Lol if anyone does win anything it would probably be a small  sandwich or a drink . Publisher's Clearing house is another scam  trying to get poor folks to buy over priced magazines and poor quality shoddy products all  the while promising riches beyond their wildest dreams  only one who win  are the companies themselves clooection all your money. they are peddling these get rich  quick games.Better chance of winning the lotteries then winning anything of any value from these predators Buy a ticket at your local gas station instead  of spending it on fast food  like Subway orMacDonald's and make a sandwichh at home . go home and check your ticket LOL at least every now and then you really do hear and see a winner  although not much of a chance at winning at this either . the odds are tremendous .Good luck!

  6. I won a bag of chips

  7. i won a cookie

  8. i won a cookie...yippee!!!

  9. I won a Big Mac meal and a pint of KFC coleslaw!

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