
Has anyone won anything?

by  |  earlier

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With all these radios having contests, we listen for the word, listen for the song at the correct time, type in the code and get points to win something. Has anyone won anything? Is it all worth the time?? Or am I just wasting my time?




  1. Just last month I traded some point in for a chance to win 2 tickets to see Larry the Cable guy in concert.  By the way, it was fabulous...

    In the past I've won tickets to see Trisha Yearwood tape a PBS concert.

  2. my husband has such good luck with calling in and winning things, he won 2 tickets for mariah carey concert, 2 tickets for a cypress hill concert, 2 tickets for american idol concert, 2 tickets   for a kroq concert, 2 pitt tickets for green day, and season 1 of ugly betty, i have never won anything on the radio :( but he wins them for me lol...

  3. somebody's gotta win, might as well be you.

  4. I won a DVD from US 99 sweepstakes.

  5. I've never won any radio contests but I hear that people in my office win all the time.  Last thing I won was $$ in vegas on slots.

  6. I have more luck with the entry forms out of the local newspapers, but I have won some small prizes (CDs, movie tix, etc.) from the radio.

  7. I take my points and get the cd's all the time and they sometimes have where you can buy tickets to events with your points. I have won tickets to cook-offs, circus, koozies, t-shirts,cd's, etc. So yes you can win.

  8. I actually won what they called "free breakfast for a year at Chik-fil-a".  In actuality it was 54 coupons for 27 3-pack chicken minis and 27 chicken biscuits.  But hey, it is 54 free breakfasts.

  9. Yes, people do win. The prizes most radio stations give away are for promo reasons, and companies give it to them in order to promote their brand with their listeners. Not only would they be a lot of trouble with the head of the radio station if they didn't give away the prize, the company would probably be enraged too considering it could look bad on their part.

  10. I won a trip to LA for 2. to hang out on the set of Clueless.

    That was pretty fun.

    I also just won Kanye West/Rhianna Tickets.

    And ER season 4? on DVD.

  11. I won 2 tickets (4 slabs of ribs & 2 drinks) to the National Rib Fest in Berea (South of Cleveland) Ohio.  Saved me around $40.

  12. I actually did win one of those contests once.  I won a Harley Davidson 883 Sportster Hugger.... No kidding!  Now, naturally, I'll never win another darn thing in my whole life.... but that was so cool.

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