
Has anyone won the lottery from a spell?

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Has anyone won the lottery from a spell?




  1. no but my mum once won £10,000 on friday the 13th :D

  2. You can create your own spell and with very positive thinking you can achieve anything. I had a very lucky day 7 years ago. I didn't know I have created my own spell until 3 months later, but I used to light up a candle every night (one of those aromatic vanilla candles in a jar) with the only purpose to refresh the air in my small room I was renting.  And during that time I often imagined what I will do if I win the lottery.  I don't know if it is relevant to my luck later, but now it seems possible. I was also in love and was thinking “If We win… ” not as “If I win….”  The day you win is a very happy one from the morning, you feel unusually emotional even from the small things in the nature and the people around, you feel like you love everything and everyone in this world and you want to do something good for everyone. Now I know for sure: there is something more than a lucky coincidence. We are blessed when we are very positive. Good luck!

  3. You mean as in a witches spell, Toads in buckets and all that stuff. I don't think so friend. It's not magic it's just luck and I din't seem to have any.

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