
Has anyone wondered if the Ethiopians and Somalis are infact a lost tribe from Europe?

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I've always wondered if the Ethiopians and some Somalis are in fact a lost tribe of Europeans, or at least descendants of Europeans?

If you look at most Ethioians you will see that they have long, sharp nose and a high bridge, unlike most Africans. Not that one is better than the other, but simply is useful in defining where people come from.

I suspect that some Europeans must have wondered down to Ethiopia and Somalia and intermarried with black Africans over many generations hence the result what we see today.

Has any biologist done any research along this line to find some link (genetically) between Ethiopians and Europeans?

Will be interesting to hear.




  1. Man was BORN in Ethiopia. Then they migrated to all over the world. The different climates, temperatures and day to day activities THEN modified man as he went along.

    Eg. The Innuit's eyes grew slanted and smaller because of all the windstorms. The Scandinavian grew paler and paler due to the lack of sunshine. Us Africans grew darker because of the all the sunshine.

    There are lots of examples of man adapting to his surroundings.

    Cheers !

  2. Quite what happened is no doubt lost in the mists of time, but I reckon you are not too far off the mark there. Probably though, their looks are the result of African colouring and Arab features. It also seems reasonable given that the Arabs and Blacks had a common border.

  3. It could be the other way around.  if waves of emigrants left Africa to populate Europe, the tribes that are closest to Europe would probably be more prominent in the gene pool.  of there may have been interbreeding later, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are a lost tribe.

    There are some Far east Russians (or whatever specific country is out there) that appear very "asian" or mongoloid.  It's simply from interbreeding.

  4. I think its the other way. Maybe the Ethiopians and Somalians went to Europe and intermarried.

    I've read in a book that says the firstman was born in Africa and spread from there.Indians before the Aryans came are supposed to be the descendents of africans who lived in this piece of land before it came off Africa and moved north to stick to Asia (thus Tethys became the Himalaya)

  5. -According to history

       people from some where around south Arabia(Yemen or some where around that)moved to the area of Ethiopia about 2000 yrs ago

    -According to legend

       A persistent belief in Ethiopia that Ethiopians are the chosen people of God stems from a long-held creation legend. According to this legend, God molded the first humans from clay. He put the first batch in an oven to bake, but left them there too long, and they emerged burned and black, so he threw them away to the southern part of Africa. He took the second batch from the oven too soon, and they were pasty and white, so he threw them northward, where they became the Arab and European populations. The third and final batch was just right,they had the perfect face and the perfect color, and God put them in Ethiopia.  

    -According to science

        The first human being originated from the region of Ethiopia...

    it's all confusing!

  6. It shows you how stupid and ignorant a racial system built on melanin content is.

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