
Has anything (and will anything) be made of the throat high push on Adam Selwood last night?

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(I believe Adam is still in hospital today). I only saw a quick glimpse this morning on one of the footy shows of the incident so I am not sure what went on and didn't here what any of the tv panelists came up with for this one.




  1. They should penalise the other bloke.

    Go eagles and hopefully selwood makes a quick recovery!

  2. Nah, wasn't much in it really.  But given Johnson's not a protected species like, say Adam Goodes, it's probably worth ten weeks :-S

    I'm sure you'll find Johnson and the Selwood boys get along pretty well so there wouldn't have been a deliberate shot involved.

  3. Selwood choked

  4. This will shut him up from saying insults about another player's daughter

  5. **When I first saw the incident I thought to myself 'here we go again, Johnno will probably go for that' because the way the game in these days players go for some real innocent things.  

    As things turned out, Johnno didn't have his number taken but we won't know for sure until the match review team go through the game, which I think happens on a Monday.

    Honestly, there wasn't much in it, it's just really bad luck that Selwood got hurt and was taken to hospital**

  6. I havent heard anything and i certainly hope steve johnson doesnt gets punished.

    there wasnt that much in it

  7. Hi Sue T,

    wat the h**l is with that clone you have running around?

    This is a paragraph out of the match review:

    Contact between Geelong's Steve Johnson and West Coast's Adam Selwood from the first quarter of Saturday's match was investigated, after video evidence from the match proved inconclusive. Based on the evidence provided by both players, player Johnson made contact with player Selwood to the throat region with a pushing motion with an open hand, as he attempted to break clear and lead into space to receive the ball. On the available evidence, no further action will be taken.

    He's outta hospital and may miss next week..

    Beau Waters wasnt so lucky..  hes haven surgery tonight .. sorry..

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