
Has anything bad ever happened to any of you paranormal investigators as a result of investigations?

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Have you ever picked up a spirit/ghost from a haunted house and carried it home with you...or to another house you are investigating?Has your own home become haunted this way? Have you gotten psychological or spiritual problems from doing these investigations..nightmares,sleep paralysis etc? Any other problems? Has it hurt your life..or your family's life any way?




  1. I have never had any negative experience in my investigations. However, I do know it is possible to bring things home, but that is possbile from anywhere. I surround myself with Gods love and light before and after an investigation.

  2. Its been educational on the job training....and without the power of God,guides,and angles,prayers,and holding your own....I have always been safe.unlike the shows on t.v.,provoking,and bulling any situation they can for ratings.This is about guidance for them and knowledge for us to understanding them.always go with God,and he will go with you into every situation,and cleanse it.he knows where all his children are,even when there being a little bit testy in there lost  or confused journey.

  3. Nope LOL KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  4. I've never had a bad experience where something came home with me.  I've been frightened, but never accompanied.  No one in my group has ever reported anything like that, either.  I've had a few sleepless nights, but I have those regardless of whether I went on a hunt or not.  My ghost hunting has never adversely affected my life or that of my family.  If anything, it's brought us closer.  Some of my now grown children are interested in ghost hunting, too.

  5. Not sure at this point. I had a severe turn in my health last July, and there is no one answer for what caused it. I have considered the possibility that a demonic force could have attacked me. I go by the maxim of not fearing who (satan/demons) can destory the body, but He who can destroy the body and the soul, in h**l (God).

    We pray before and after each investigation.

    It is interesting to note that after I got out of the hospital, and was able to get around, we went on an investigation, and I got much better after that.....

    I Hope This Helps!

    Old Soldier

  6. I never had a spirit issue while investigating.. never to my knowledge. I dont know if I have taken anything anywhere.. all seems ok so far and I have done this for several years.. but.. on the last investigation we did.. the man we went to help stole one of our digital recorders..he asked to keep it over night to run and see if anything would speak while the house was empty and now he wont return it.. so NEVER leave anything behind. A $70 lesson learned the had way..

  7. Sometimes.  Especially when buying something from a second hand store..that can be nasty.

  8. No, I have never had a spirit follow me home or attach itself to me. I have heard stories, but do not know any personally that it has happened to.

    The worst thing that ever happened to me was I forgot to duck while leaving an area. (had a beautiful purple lump for a week)

  9. Not that I am aware of, it hasn't happened to me.  However, I have heard of a spirit attaching itself to a person, while the person was in the house they were investigating.

    There is more that went on, but I won't bore anyone with the long details.

  10. I surround myself in white light at the beginning of each investigation upon leaving I tell the spirits thank you and tell them to stay

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