
Has anything ever happened to anyone who has used a Ouija board game>>???

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did you feel bad or got freaked out or something??? n do you really believe its a game that will make bad things happen to you and its a devils game?? would you ever play it?




  1. i've never played one but i would like to one day

  2. It freaked me out once when the Ouija piece literally pushed my hand. Never played it again, it's bad.

  3. Time stopped and the world ended.

  4. I was raised a strong Christian. I did it once with a couple of friends of mine. I felt weird the first time and told them that I wasn't going to do it anymore. So they asked me to interpret for them. All I ever got out of what they did was jibberish. So though I felt uncomfortable doing it, I never had any evidence that there was any evil going on with it. I can't say that we were necessarily doing it appropriately though...candles and all that you know.

  5. Good Grief!!!!! A Ouija board is no more magic or occult than I am. They're cranked out by the tens of thousands on an assembly line just like a TV set or a car. Anybody that believes a Ouija board is evil or that the devil controls it is weak minded. My Great-grandmother had one when I was a kid, and she was a devout Christian. AND nothing evil ever happened to her. It's nothing but a toy!!!

  6. i have never played it and never will because its a STUPID lie.... there is no devil and if you ever feel bad or something like that...... its all in your MIND.

  7. I played the ouija board quite a few times many years ago and nothing happened.  Nothing happened with others I know who also played it.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using it make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  8. Once, when I didn't know any better, my sister and I fooled around with one. We learned the following:

    It is not a game.

    For months after that, we had trouble with poltergeists. First you find it unnerving, then you just have to tolerate it until it stops. I don't know about the devil, but evil comes in many forms, especially when you have no idea what you are fooling around with.

    No. I would not play it again. It should be taken off supermarket shelves.

  9. I can guarantee nothing ever happens. It might work in a group if someone else is being a fool and spelling things out, The way around this is to try it on your own. As you'll see nothing happens.

    The answer to why nothing happens: It's your friends doing the pushing.

  10. yea it spelled death

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