
Has anything ever happened to you that you simply can't explain?

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(Nothing sexual or stupid please - let's keep this clean.)

What's the strangest thing that ever happened to you? What do you *think* happened?




  1. At a boy scout summer camp I'm a councilor and one time me and my friend were walking down the road next to the lake to get to the main office and a white ghost lady came right uo next to us blew us a kiss (Which made us get cold).

    And sped down the road the opposite direction we were going. Then we ran all the the main office. Which is like a quarter a mile.

  2. Absolutely...I have had a tree that was cut down and gone communicate to me its grief...and I have dreamed of kittens being born moments before a new stray cat jumped in my bed and gave birth!....and I had a dog on its death bed in a neighbors yard send me a visual of a milkbone with Thanks written on it (I used to sneak it treats because they starved it) yes, strange things happen. What do I think is going on? That there is more to the universe that we acknowledge and we are blessed to feel more of it if we are open to it.

    It gives me faith to KNOW that there is more to life than meets the eye.

  3. I will be reading a word on the pc or a book or even talking and that exact word will be said on the tv at the very moment I read it or say it.

    This happens every day at least 3 or 4 times.

    It is not a simple common word either, it is usually something off the wall.

  4. The strangest thing I ever saw was a giant black triangle flying about 200 feet up in the air.  It was as big as a football field and made no noise as it flew over.  Things that big should be on the ground, not flying around.

  5. How about everything I've seen that no one else has since I was old enough to have a cognitive thought?  Yeah, that'll work. :-P  I believe I'm just a messenger, a helper, whatever.  Humans have been at this for thousands of years, I'm just one of the many over that time.

    Blessed be

  6. people are always trying to rob me i dont know what it is maybe i have one of those faces and im not talkin about once a month im talkin about 2 or 3 times a day and these are different people bothering me oh yh despite what my profile says im only 14 and living in london

  7. One time I was home alone, and it was about 1am in the morning when I heard the smoke detector in the kitchen sound off.  I went to investigate and found nothing out of the ordinary, so I climbed on a chair and disconnected the battery from the smoke detector and went back to bed.  Moments later the smoke detector in the hall near my bedroom went off.  I investigated and still no sign of smoke or anything to cause it to go off, so I dragged a chair to climb and disconnect its battery too and when I removed the base cover, I found that there was NO battery inside!!  I grabbed some clothes and ran out the house dressing at the same time, jumped in my truck and sped away!!!!  That was freaky!!

  8. When I was a child, I had a dream, that I was flying down my home street, and I somehow pulled a bumper off of a car.

    When I walked down the street to school the next morning, the car had the bumper removed, and sitting on the driveway.

  9. Something really funny happened during a thunderstorm that my daughter doesn't think I have explained very well to her.  Anyway, she had this doll called "Amazing Ally" which she kept up on a shelf and had switched off since it would start talking at inopportune times.  Well there was a really close lightning strike which was scary enough but then Ally started talking despite being turned off for months maybe even more than a year.  Needless to say, I had to immediately remove Ally from the house because she was "possessed".  I tried to explain to my daughter how the lightning had built up a charge in the doll and gave her enough energy to start talking.  My laughter between words didn't help much.  My daughter now has a fear of Chuckie as well.

  10. When I was younger I used to have deja vu happen on an almost weekly basis. I still have it, but not near so often.  When I was married, I could think of something concerning my husband, and he'd come and ask me why i was yelling at him. He's gone, but I do that now with my daughter. My best friend and I can tell when something is wrong with the other, we very often have the exact same problem at the same time, and if we think very hard on it, we can get each other to dress in a particular color or style.  Really cool if you ask me.

  11. Although I'm a scientist, there is much about the natural world I can't explain and never will be able to. The universe is far more amazing than what can be comprehended in my little mind. So the answer is yes. But that doesn't mean its paranormal. I just means I don't know everything!

  12. I had a dream about a friend I lost touch with & in the dream his face was messed up so I decided to look his name up on yahoo & I came across a news article & obit that he had died in a car crash this summer.

  13. Sure,that doesn't mean I'm going to blame it on the paranormal.Things happen,there are anomalies.We can't explain them,yet.We will,as long as we don't let superstition take over.

  14. I drove across the country a few years ago. It was about midnight and I was close to FlagStaff Arizona. (Close to were that meteor crater is). I had just put in a book on tape to listen to while I drove (The Pelican Brief). I remember listening to the first few paragraphs in the book.

    Then I was awakened by the lights that were flashing on a neon sign for a pancake house. I was parked on the side on the road almost a 100 miles from where I was. It was 4 am.The tape was at the end. I have no idea what happened . I just want to believe that I somehow drove in my sleep. But, I always feel weird when i think about it. I havent told many people about it either. I dont think I was abducted by Aliens or anything crazy like that but I dont how to explain it.

  15. I can't fully explain coincidences and they sometimes happen.

  16. Every day 'strange' things happen that I can't explain. Come visit me down here in Australia and you could experience these 'strange' occurences aswell.

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