
Has anything ever swam by you while swimming?

by Guest63894  |  earlier

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  1. yep, went swimming in lakes entrance (victoria, australia) and was surrounded by a school of fish, which were then penetrated by sharkes (and yeah, we swam like h**l to the shore even though they were ony grey nurse sharks) wild dolphins, turtles, dugongs, all of which were very friendlyand interactive. and I dont know if you would count this, but a crab on some drift wood.... that one was an odd sight! (i.e. in the middle of the water)

  2. I was swimming in Lake Murray a few years back when a Cotton Mouth swam right next to me. I swam back to shore an the dang thing stalked me to the shore. So i got a paddle that was on the beach used for the boats an tried to look intimidating and it didn't work it slithered towards me. So i took my paddle an whacked it twice an it finally just slithered away.

  3. in rivers and lakes, snakes, turtles and fish. In the ocean, dolphins(wild,and in captivity), sharks(nurse sharks, it was in a swimming with sharks tour down in the Dominican Rep. Some were probably over 10 feet long), stingrays(also really large(wide) just a normal trip to the beach), fish, jellyfish (made me swim to the shore a lot faster than any sharks would).

  4. I used to go to sea in a kayak for days at a time to study cetaceans, and I used to go swimming each morning at sunrise on those trips.  Once a manta ray with a wingspan longer than my boat swam by so close I could have touched it.  Another time, an adult blue whale passed about 6 feet away from me.  They get to be up tot 120 feel long, but when you're in the water with them, they just seem to keep going by forever, and you begin to wonder if you will ever see the tail.

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