
Has anything like this ever happened to you?

by  |  earlier

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I got a summer job this year baby sitting and after about a month the father of the kids started making comments to me like saying he was gonna make a woman out of me, and make me feel really good etc...So after a couple of weeks of this I finally worked up the nerve to tell my boss' wife and she told me that she plays for both teams (whatever all that means) and said it sounded like a great idea.

Serious answers only please...I'll be 16 a week from next Thursday.

So my question in what color should I paint my bedroom?




  1. I'd be scared senseless and quit the job immediately! Find another job!

    A golden yellow or a soft blue


    I work for the single mom with three husband in sight.

  3. Paint it pink,

    on the inside

    PS. I need a babysitter  

  4. sound like something in rainbow will do...

  5. I think scarlet red would be the perfect color for you. Everyone will love it!

  6. yeah, it was in a warehouse...painted red, white and blue....

    the guy stored his large packages there.

    he asked me if i wouldn't mind my box on the shelf.

  7. LMAO! good to see you, s**y :)

    i don't think you have anything to worry about here. the father probably just wants to give you parental-type advice, and the mother is most likely just really into sports. paint the bedroom with tiger stripes, you know ya wanna!

  8. Nothing has ever happened like that to me.  Some people have all the interesting jobs.

  9. And you're still p!s$ing people off!  WTF

    Hot pink with Hello Kitty decals.

  10. pink you homo

  11. Paint it Tie-Dye.

  12. I will pay you double what they are to babysit my imaginary kids.  And I will also provide you with oral, c**p,  I meant dental benefits.....whadaya say?

  13. ?

  14. Black like your heart......can I babbysit for them if your not gonna..?

    <~~~~I would like to join her team as well...♥

  15. I think a nice mauve with an earth tone trim should do the trick...

    I must say Karen, I was quite disappointed with this question...I thought for sure the dad was going to do you doggy over the kitchen table...

    oh, and happy b-day next week...

  16. I could use a babysitter. What are you doing Friday nights???

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