
Has anything you read here affected your vote?

by  |  earlier

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I read the most outrageous accusations here, ridiculous lies, paranoid conspiracy theories, and, occasionally, a thoughtful opinion. Some people seem to spend all their time here desperately trying to affect the outcome of the election.

Does any of it matter? Are you likely to change your vote because of anything you read here?




  1. Doesn't affect me one bit.

  2. Nothing here could change my vote.  I do research some of the fairy tales people post.  After Alot of research, I'm for Obama. Formerly for Hilliary.

  3. Yes, there are alot more "You are racist"  "you are republican scum" comments than "democrats are liberal american haters" comments.

    In addition, when Hillary was running, there were a TON of sexist remarks against her.  Was it from republicans or democrats?  I don't know.  What i do know is the Republican's have a woman VP.

  4. Decent question.  Of course not.  But, there are a few young participants who need to be challenged to think for themselves, regardless of who they end up supporting.  Fixed Noise and Move On and Youtube are not reliable sources.  If a few kids read this stuff and challenge what they see/read/hear, the effort is worthwhile.

    But, no, I don't expect anyone to change their vote based on what appears here.

  5. Based on the ignorance that is usually posted here..I sure would not let anything said here change my mind.

  6. Nope, half of the people here are biased and uneducated on the candidate. I would like to believe that people arent gullible enough to change their choice just b/c of somethin some stranger on yahoo answers says... and if you have... than look at the issues and dont believe every little thing people say...

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