
Has availability of information and media actually made people more stupid than ever? Or are newsreaders just?

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condescending pricks?

You always hear on the radio or see on tv blaring cautions in the summer against getting too hot, or too much sun and to avoid overheating, blah blah.

And in the winter, they scream at you to watch out for cold wind, and to avoid frostbite, blah blah blah.

How in the h**l did our forebears ever make it this far, given that they didn't have tv and radio to hold their hands, and the internet to spew the obvious at them 24-7.

I am so angry i want to kick someone. >:(




  1. information is neutral, it can't make you stupid.  The trouble with people is that they do not THINK.

    Seriously, to everyone reading this, what was the last time you did NOT have a tv, radio, ipod, computer, or someone to talk to?  A lot of people leave the tv on when they go to sleep even!  People never sit down and think, in quiet, without passive stimulation/entertainment.  

    And the schools are teaching people how NOT to think.  (it's called the "affective domain" educational theory, and it comes from Bloom and Maslow.  It teaches how to "feel".  It advises an emphasis on "attitudes, emotions, feelings and values", and instead of cognitive thought dissecting new information, students who have no basis of understanding are asked how they feel about new information.  it teaches them to polarize into teams (liberal and conservative, for example) and to feel their way through life; never objectively viewing or testing new information).  As a result, people hold all sorts of contradictory ideas as true at the same time; because they "feel" correct.  It's very sad.

    Our forefathers were thinkers.  Read the Federalist papers and you get a respect for their intellect.  I love Federalist 31 (hamilton): "in disquisitions of every kind, there are certain primary truths or first principles upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend.  These contain and internal evidence which, antecedent to all reflection or combination, commands the assent of the mind.  Where it produces not this effect, it must proceed from either some disorder of the organs of perception, or from the influence of some strong passion, or prejudice."  

    He was talking about thought itself, and he clearly had in his mind the "inalienable rights" which are "endowed by our creator" and most importantly that "we hold these truths to be self evident".  The Declaration of Independence is itself one of the most well reasoned cases ever made.  The first principles were laid out, and agreed upon by all men.  Reason won our independence, and now the lack of reason is destroying it.

  2. Don't kick a person,  kick your boob tube, and the other media.  Turn it off.  Period!

  3. wow are u really that upset about stuff??? the truth is, back in the day, people didnt last to be too old. now, people are lasting forever and its because they take better care of themselves. during the summer months, plenty of old people died because of dehydration or other reasons dealing directly to the summer's climate. also, people used to die from the common flu because they didnt know how to fight against it. now, we all know when flu season comes because of the mass media and more people get flu shots because they are highly advertised over the media. again, another example of the media's help. if there were mass communication in the pass our 'forebear' might have lived longer lives.

    OF COURSE there are a lot of BOGUS stuff on the internet claiming to be accurate information. but when it comes to public health issues, they actually tend to be more accurate. and if u have any questions, u can always just consult ur doctor. to say people are more stupid because of the availability of information just makes no sense!

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