
Has being involved with ghosts/spirits become addictive for you?

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NG ...You keep me confused!! lol




  1. Lol, I wouldn't call it an addiction as such. I like to know as much as I can about anything I come I was fixated on it for a while.

    But now I have done enough research on ghosts and spirits. I have heard almost every theory and have made my own. So now, I'm just open to the idea, I take it all as it comes.

  2. I don't like to call it an addiction.I do love a good ghost story though.Books,movies,I read and watch them all the time.

  3. No.  That is opening up a gateway. I have enough problems without being possesed or haunted. And for all those people who "poo-poo" that kind of stuff should explain why we all exist.  There is funny stuff going on.  That we do not understand.  I don't mess with that at all.

  4. No not an addiction. I enjoy what I do. However, phone calls for help only come in so fast. We at times go 6+months before someone calls for some help. Addictions are about feeding them at any cost, obsessions (I think you meant this term) however are more likely with the paranormal.

  5. mmm, no I wouldn't say an obsession. It sort of finds me, but it's also something I feel compelled to do, to try and understand, and along the way I'm learning stuff and finding myself in the process. It's been more of a journey for me, with a LOT of (invisible) friends who've stepped onto the path beside me. :)  

  6. well yeah. i remember an episode of paranormal state where they had to get a lady to stop recording EVPs. i've never been addicted to the paranormal. although i do have 3 or 4 psychic abilities. three of them have to do with spirit people or place memory. the other one deals with premonitions.

  7. Being involved with investigating the paranormal to me is not addictive to me.  As a responsible adult, I know what I have to do to care for my family and that is work a job and be there for my wife and kids.  Now, I find it interesting trying to find answers to all the crazy things that happen to people in life that have paranormal indications.

    Also, helping people find answers or resolve issues that pertain to the paranormal is also a very rewarding feeling, but is does not fall into an addictive category.  Like all things, moderation is the key to life.


  8. If anything, it has opened my curiosity to the possibility of communication with the other side.

    The idea that there is an open "worm hole" in time where you could carry on a conversation with a "ghost" and find out what life was really like 100+ years ago.

    And what if there was that possibility to change history........

    No slavery.

    No Civil War.

    No Hitler.

    No d**k Cheney.

    And you could tell your ancestors to get involved with oil and fuel production!

  9. Nope!

  10. It's addictive in the way that I can't stop doing it even if I try.  It's being forced on me, 100%.  People would love to have my amazing powers, but it's a curse I tells you.

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