
Has clomid worked for anyone and what did you have

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Has clomid worked for anyone and what did you have




  1. hi i know i dont really have any right to answer this question but i just wanted to let you know that i am in the same boat as you and i have jjust started my first cycle of clomid.. keep your head high and ill pray for both of us xx

  2. 3 round round of clomid and it didn't help me, always had a irregular period and now my doctor has referred me to a specialistbecausee I haven't ovulated.  Good luck and best of wishes

  3. I'm working on my fifth cycle. I'm sure it has worked for some people, just not me yet.  

  4. Hi clomid did work for me but i had a miscarriage i was on 50mg for a few months and i did ovulate but didnt get pregnant then i went up to 100mg and it worked. Also i found with the clomid i didnt have alot of cm so i bought preseed and am sure that helped. I have heard of it working for people and goin full term.

    Good luck

  5. My friend got pregnant on her first cycle of clomid but its too early to know the s*x.

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