
Has corporate America become too globally mobilized?

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I feel like Corporate America has a huge advantage now days in their ability to evade American laws and regulations because they have the freedom to just pick up and leave and move to another country, taking all their jobs with them. It makes it a balancing act on trying to keep them here but also being tough. Why stay when the grass is greener somewhere else?

We will still buy their products or use their services so they know they can get away with it.

What do you think?




  1. At some point people will start demanding quality again-insted of just "cheap" I don't buy appliances or even clothes at Walmart anymore becasue they simply don't last. In a recession people will realize that quality is more important than the cheapest thing they can grab. and quality products come from quality countries with good wages and good salaries.


  3. You are exactly right Lisa. One big problem with our current tax system is instead of making business decisions based the "whats good for business" sense, they make them on "how will this effect our taxes" ....

    For this very reason, we need a new tax system, I personally support the Fair Tax.

    This  would instantly transform America into a tax haven for businesses instead of forcing them out the door. Imagine major corporations moving TO the USA instead moving FROM ....

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