
Has couples therapy ever actually helped anybody?

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It helped me end my last marriage.

The therapist pointed out that I always pick people that I know don't really like me (in both relationships and friendships) because for some reason I don't like myself. Anyway, has anybody actually had therapy SAVE their relationship?




  1. Ive been a counselor over 10 yrs, Yes there are a small percentage that end , but most learn how to improve and better the marriage, more then 80% do stay together and are happy.

    Maybe you just chose a bad counselor.....

  2. Nope it was a waste of money......

  3. i had therapy myself and it help for you both can see what the other one is feeling yes it helps. but if your spouse don't want to go just go yourself and once  in a while bring him in when the counselor and you decide good luck with therapy  

  4. my first marriage (14 yrs.) it helped for a short time until his job came between us.  then my second marriage (2 1/2yrs)...counseling didnt help a bit... there is no getting thru to some people.  Now I'm happily living with my bf of 4 yrs. and don't care to get married again.  

  5. Counseling only helps if the person REALLY wants to change their ways. You can't force them to change - they have to want to.  My husband has tried to go to counseling, but he's only done it half-heartedly and so his results are only half-way too.  

  6.   yes, will help you but ,always remember that,the other person also have to want to fix the relationship if you g**s  are together in this  everything will fall into place.

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