
Has cussing ever been a problem in relationships?

by  |  earlier

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Say that you two are perfect for each other, but he/she just cusses in his/her sentences. Those statements are not to degrade you, but just cussing a lot while talking in general.




  1. It would be a problem with me... I don't even cuss that much... Cussing to much upset's me. :/

  2. I'd definately have a problem with it. I curse. Of course I do and I know my boyfriend does. But he does his best not to do it around me unless he's really scared or angry at something.  

  3. if u 2 are perfect then there wouldn't need to be cussing I'm not perfect but I don't cuss

  4. I've never really been bothered by it unless its every other word.

  5. yes, it's annoying. D:

    it would be easier if he spoke in a respectful manner. :(

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