
Has every state in the US pretty much ever been as high as 90 degrees or close to every state on the same day

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Has every state in the US pretty much ever been as high as 90 degrees or close to every state on the same day




  1. Yeah, over 100 degrees in St. Louis.  I have a job at the Six Flags (since most of the park's ground has black asphalt, it tends to be about 10 degrees warmer).  Today at work, I felt like I was living in a frying pan and drinking a gallon of water.  One of the park security officers said the core temperature reached up to 112 degrees.

  2. Yes, with the exception of Alaska! Ha ha!

    But I doubt it. I heard the Northern states and the beach states are in the 80's. Lucky.


    The record high in Fairbanks, Alaska in the early 1970's reached 110 F.

  4. No, it won't happen. All 50 states will not be 90 degrees Fahrenheit on the same day.

    Pressure systems are only large enough to encompass up to about half of the country at a time. So, based on location of the lows/highs, if some states are warm, some states will typically be cool on the same day.

    So, no, it will not happen. Not 90 degrees.

  5. Every state has been above 90 degrees before so I would say yeah.  

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