
Has fake tears hillary succeeded in fooling the american people into voting for a dynasty?

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I am sure she will need diapers the next time she runs into another difficult situation.




  1. She doesn't fool me at all.

    to <wecanoodle...> your reference links contain information that incites bigotry and ignorance. how many times does it have to be mentioned that placing hand over heart during pledge of allegiance is the protocol not during national anthem. if hillary clinton has more supporters like you who drape the flag over rags of their personal subtle bigotry then she will do more harm to this country than many care to think...

  2. Purely pathetic isn't it? She is so fake and phony. Fake with her tears, fake with her laugh, fake with her promises and fake that she is a Christian. Makes me sick.

  3. The population of NH is #46 of the 50 states.  So the number of votes she received is actually insignificant.

  4. She was showing her passion at the way Bush has taken Bill's budget surplus and spent it into a deficit and how she would love a chance to turn that around. And I would love to see her get a crack at it.

    The last thing we need now is a young inexperienced unknown person with the middle name of Hussein becoming president in these perilous times. It is not a learn on the job experience.

    Obama in 2007 refused to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem or recite the pledge of allegiance at a public function. He has admitted using cocaine in the past. He has never had a REAL job. He went right into politics out of college. So how can he understand people who DO go to REAL jobs every day?? He was raised in a muslim school. He is just an unknown with an unknown plan of what he will do...and people bought it in Iowa because they love Oprah for giving presents of cars, etc on her show. Well, Oprah can't even run a school in Africa without problems comin up..she is NO expert on leadership, just a popular talk show host.;...

  5. It appears that she has. Was just reading the USA Today this morning concerning her big win in NH. One female they spoke to said she was going to vote for Obama but switched to Hillary because she was "moved by reports of Clinton near tears..." This woman went on to say, "Clinton seemed a lot more real at that moment, it just made me decide to vote for her." Pretty scary, isn't it???

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