
Has fat f***y Fergi ever been known to f**t in public ??

by Guest63612  |  earlier

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Has fat f***y Fergi ever been known to f**t in public ??




  1. Who is Fergi? Why does the size of this person bother you?Are you fat? What business is it of yours if this person does f**t in public? Are you trying to say you have never done it ?

  2. I have no idea who that person is.Members of the Royal family usualy have titles.Plus everything that Moyra D said.

  3. why, do you have a problem on which you need her advice?

  4. Do you mean the singer? If so, I'll look into it ^_^

  5. well we know she sucks toes so anythings possible

  6. Um, I don't know?

    Am just aware that many yrs. ago she did a lot of stuff in public to embarrass Queen Elizabeth.

    Don't recall what it was exactly, it was yrs. ago.

    And I never looked at her butt BTW.

    Just know she advertises all the time for Weight Watchers.

  7. If you are talking about Sarah,Duchess of York,I suppose we will never know that.If she did,it wasn't ever reported.

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