
Has feminism destroyed good music forever?

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Has feminism destroyed good music forever? Before feminism reared it head we used to have some great music. Now it's generally just an excuse to see untalented prats mouthing discordant noises and prancing around and is akin to pornography sometimes.




  1. ahahahah dude you're blaming BAD MUSIC on FEMINISM? Yeah music was better before DNA testing was discovered too why don't you blame that?

  2. what?? no i don't belive FEMINISM had anything to do with rubbish music today... MTV killed music, the media killed music, things dont last forever, sooner or later things inevitably become imitations of the real thing -- did feminism destroy classic films or great literature? i can't make sense of your question?!

  3. Yes and all that rubbish current rapping and metal c**p is REALLY politically correct isn't it...

  4. No, I still find plenty of good music to listen to, mainly Christian rock/alternative. No prancing s****s or talent-less rappers.

  5. What about Heart?  Pat Benatar?  Aretha Franklin?

    By the way, anybody ever heart Nightwish?

  6. No, radio killed the music star.

  7. i dont you mean like rappers or like women who are only famous because people think its cool that the lyrics to their songs are all "im just as good, or better, than a man", becaus eif soo, them you're right, i think it has.

  8. I hate amy winehouse!!! it! cant sing!! omFG how i hate her!

  9. No, feminism has had nothing to do with the decrease in quality of music.  Do you honestly think feminists approve of modern pop music, which is still so stratified by gender roles, and where rappers are always calling women "b*tches" and *hoes*?  

    You are starting to sound like Anatol.  I swear, can't you think of any LOGICAL questions to post?

  10. No. They have yet to, and I dare say never will, penetrate and desecrate the sacred gilded temples of heavy metal. That genre of music is a pillar of masculinity. It is a sonic celebration.

  11. I don't think you can blame feminism for bad music! All the artists I listen to will write what they write without caring what the implications are, thankfully the musicians I like to listen to are great; respectable people and so I never listen to, "yo bitch3s and hoes fo sho".

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