
Has feminism hurt the American family?

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Now that society has created the American career woman, it seems to take two wage-earners to do what one wage-earner did 50 years ago to live the American dream. Am I wrong to say that an absence of the homemaker would seem to force families to use more impersonal childcare services to raise children, housekeeping services, and overall eating out more. (All of which cost more than a few dollars.) Additionally, are women happier sitting in a cubicle rather than being a homemaker?




  1. No. to live an American family to live it "the meaning of family"

    Women have worked and rise children kept house.

    even with the support of their husbands and they help.

    And beening around other family members grandparents, Aunts .Uncles, Cousins.

    thats our Family

  2. I think feminism is great for every country. I think all women should get out and experience the world and work for themselves. By the way, if you still only want one person working, why not have the man stay home, if you're so worried about it. It doesnt have to be the woman who stays home. Times are changing and besides, women who work are still able to run a household.

  3. First, I would say that it doesn't take 2 wage earners to do what one did 50 years ago.  My wife didn't join the work force until our youngest child started school.  We managed on just my income.  Did we have brand new cars, DVD players, houses as big as our friends' houses?  No, we didn't.  But we survived just fine.

    Families feel like they NEED to have two wage earners now, because they WANT things that they can't afford with one wage earner.

    My best friend has children the same age as mine and we make the same amount of money. When our kids were toddlers, his wife lamented the fact that she couldn't stay home with the kids like my wife, because her income was needed to pay the house note.  Today, we live in the same size house.  Sure they have 5 more years equity than I do, but I would never trade that because my kids were raised by their own mother instead of a daycare provider.

  4. You sound like a redneck.

  5. Gross. Men can just as easily stay home if they want to. Domestic jobs don't have to be provided by women. I know plenty of stay at home mothers that are miserable and some that are happy. The happy family myth from years ago is just that! Not every job is sitting in a cubicle, although I can clearly read what you are TRYING to say between the lines.

    I can think of many things that have hurt the "American family" but feminism isn't one of them.  Feminism isn't something bad, I am a feminist that intends on staying at home with my children because I want to. If I wanted to work, I would, but I would rather stay home and be with my children and take care of my  home.

  6. No, it hasn't. Though allowing ignorant people to breed seems to have done it. The sexual division of labor in regards to homemaking and child-raising is harmful to women and MEN. Men can be great homemakers and child-rearer but are socially pressured to be the breadwinners.

    Feminism is not about making either gender "better" than the other, but rather it aims to strip away the inequalities that existed. Whomever earns the money has the POWER in the relationship and that can set up some really problematic behaviors if unchecked. Females earning their own money and making their own choices about how to best support their families (be it through working outside the home or inside the home) benefits society.

    Also, I would like to see the studies and sources you utilized to come up with this question. It would be interesting to see how the studies were done and who sponsored them.

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