
Has feminism inadvertently promoted promiscuity?

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Has feminism inadvertently promoted promiscuity?




  1. Absolutely. They always whine, "Women are called s***s and men are called cool for having lots of s*x. It's not fair."

    So they think they need to be S****y to be more like men...

  2. Feminism encouraged women to take control of their own sexuality and feel free to get their own pleasure from it. Unfortunately, for some women, this meant being promiscuous.

  3. From my perspective, feminism has promoted self sufficiency and personal responsibility.

    It's non-feminists that have taken the tools and put them to a hedonistic use.

    But hey, I'm old.  I'm over 40.

  4. Greer was promoting it heavily, I know one feminist inspired mother who encouraged her daughter. Feminists have a hard time acknowledging any negative aspects of feminism, of which there are many.

  5. if that is the case then I would be all for feminism. Men still have to "deserve" it

  6. There will always be unintended consequences to any modification or social engineering.

    The fact that you feel women are more promiscuous may be that you see an unattractiveness in women to be sexual and your loss of control over women.

    Sometimes the flood gates need to be opened to wash away the waters that have been held back un naturally. As we learn about our bodies and our minds, we will all learn we also have to hold onto our responsibilities and virtues, nothing is perfect, but attempting to attain perfection is human and not always done correctly.

    Be happy that woman know what they want, can achieve what they want and perhaps can teach you something about what they want. And this is coming from a conservative! Surprise!

  7. No. Because historically "Rape" wasn't considered a crime (even in marriage up until 1985 in Victoria, Australia).

    Shame was applied to women who were raped.

    Sexual activity was blamed on women.

    "b*****d" or illegitimate children were blamed on women.

    Feminism promoted consent. Women are still held to traditional values though, so a woman who chooses to have s*x is "promiscuous", whilst a woman who chooses not to is a "prude" or a "tease". Men don't get these labels though.

  8. um, no? promiscuity depends on an individual's personality, not their gender.  

  9. Well feminism doesn't impose life styles on individuals.Feminism calls for women to be treated like humans beings and not sexual objects ect...And to be equally considered,such as women are physically weaker in general but not mentally weaker.Some messages sent out promoted promiscuity but that isn't what feminist movement promotes today.Being promiscuous is a choice of an individual regardless of gender it is dangerous and mentally anguishing.Men are historically noted as being the desirer's of women and therefore it was normal and okay for a man to be promiscuous while the woman he was being promiscuous gets the blame and the stoning,That isn't okay.That is both parties involved choice and women should not be the scape goat.

  10. All I've heard from feminists is that promiscuity "cheapens" women and you shouldn't have s*x because men are just using you if you do. Even if you dress in a s**y outfit you are giving them what they want and you are a big disgrace to feminism and you are a waste of space as a woman. You are allowing yourself to be exploited. You are degrading all the strength women have worked for. You should be proud to wear trousers and Doc Marten boots because they make you the equal of a man where heels and a mini skirt make you an object to men and don't feminists hate it if men might find you pleasing.

    This is what I learned from a lecture on gender politics and sexuality by a feminist professor. Her ideals seemed to be the opposite of promiscuity, because good feminists don't use their bodies to please men. She waged war on television programmes that promoted the image of women as sexually confident and alluring (eg. s*x and the City).

    Really my impression of feminists is that disapprove of s*x.  

  11. No, feminism has not inadvertently promoted promiscuity. Feminism promoted promiscuity on purpose.

    The third wave promoted s*x without attachment.

    Yes, I am ready for some thumbs down, but it is truly a shame because it is a fact.

  12. Feminism freed women from the shackles which in turn permitted them to control their own sexuality. Which resulted in promiscuity. Before the third wave hit, promiscuity was heavily stigmatized, in an era whereby women were expected to be modest and s*x before marriage was looked down upon. Now feminism has liberated women (and men, indirectly), resulting in today's s-l-u-t culture.

    You wanna know what the funny thing is? Feminists now whine about how women being treated like s*x objects! They don't even know their own movement! LOL

  13. I don't think there was anything inadvertent about it.  Feminism encouraged women to feel free in their sexuality, and explore if they wished.  The problem is that many translate that into promiscuity, and therefore, labelled it as being a negative thing, or lacking in personal respect.

    In many ways, men have benefited from the free sexuality that women now enjoy - haven't they?  Would you rather be with a woman who simply lays down compliantly or one who engages enthusiastically with you?

  14. As one men's rights activist once wrote: First wave feminism gave women the vote, second wave feminism got them employed, and the third wave of feminism turned them into p**n stars.

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