
Has gasoline prices become detrimental to the lifestyle that you enjoy?

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Has gasoline prices become detrimental to the lifestyle that you enjoy?




  1. Not yet.  I drive a little less and car pool sometimes.  And I like the fact that there seems to be a little less traffic.  I make up for the gas prices by eating out less which I think is good for me.

  2. Not really. I have jut made a few adjustments. For example, if I need a haircut or want to pick up a gift for somebody, I will wait until I am near that type of business, rather than make a special trip.  I am also more likely to stop my car to buy a cup of coffee or an ice cream cone, rather than let my car idle in a drive through line.

  3. Well.I've been planning all of my trips& going places that are all in the same area,for quite some time now. And if I can park in one spot & go to more than one place aat a time,that's even better.

    This is not the first time that high prices of gas have came about. At least this time they are not rationing the gas & having the odd or even liscense  plates,& you could only get so much gas at a time every other day. That was the worst1 so they trained us that we would rather pay a high price or that might be happening to us again.

  4. yes

  5. of course.. i hardly go anywhere anymore, and i live several  hours from my closest friends.

    oh well, there are worse things that could be/are happening to the world that don't involve oil prices.

  6. No, I've learned the art of walking, cycling and discovering that I've neighbors who're trying to do the same :)

  7. In my opinion, my lifestyle has gotten better!!!

    I have actually noticed a reduction in traffic on the weekends and in non-work hours.

    this is great for me....i would happily pay $5 a gallon if traffic was reduced a bit more.

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