
Has global warming happened before the 21st century?

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Has global warming happened before the 21st century?




  1. Yes.

    Global warming is when  CO2 (and other chemicals) rises up in the air and creates a blanket around the earth. This makes the world hotter. We know that we've had this blanket for millions of years because it is not just humans that create the blanket. Volcanoes create alot of it as well. Also we know this because without this blanket, we would freeze to death.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Yes!! It's been happening ever since the world started coming out of the last Glaciation period. I feel until someone can state what the ideal global climate really is they have absolutely know clue about what's going on with our climate and whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. Do many environmental idiots have decided it's a bad thing so know we are getting hammered everyday by stupid commercials asking us to be environmentally friendly with what we buy.

  3. no.

  4. i believe so...

    there is a cycle i think... the earth keeps on cooling and heating and i think global warming ended the ice ages.. heheh ... and not long after the warming that's happening now, the earth would undergo cooling and the cycle would just go round and round

  5. gobal warming has been happening for a long time since the earth began

  6. The world has constantly been warming and cooling.

    Anthropogenic global warming began with the industrial revolution in the 18th century, and accelerated towards the end of the 20th century.

  7. Yes.  Global warming (and cooling) has happened many, many times before.

    However, the current warming is different because it's being caused by human greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels.  See the link below for further details.

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