
Has having s*x caused anyone to go into premature labour?

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Or misscariage? I have group b strep and having s*x whilst pregnant caused me to have 2 of my 4 kids early! 1st one at 33 weeks, and my 3rd baby, my waters broke at 30 weeks and i leaked water for 3 weeks till again going into labour at 33 weeks! Thanks for your answers!




  1. i went into labour 2 week early

    the night i went into labour me and my  partner had s*x and half an hour later i was in full labour and 4 hours after that i give birth to a gorgeous daughter who is now 11 months :D

  2. It is a good way to induce labour if you are overdue. castor oil and orange juice as well.

  3. it hasn't happened to me..but my friend was pregnant with a baby that had gastroschesis and amniotic band syndrome. not only that but she wasnt producing enough amniotic fluid so he wasn't growing at all...he was half the size he should have been for whatever given gestational age he was....she was placed on bedrest for 1 month and then they finally sent her home...she had s*x with her bf at 30 weeks pregnant...went into labor and hour later and they had to deliver him..he stayed in the hospital for 3 months..b/c of his very small size and his intestines being on the outside of his body.

    he really struggled for awhile..then when she finally brought him home...due to his small size when they put his intestines back in...they were larger than his the first crying fit he had..they herniated back through his umbilical stump...

    they said if he could have stayed in for 5 more weeks  he would have been way better off. they even warned her not to have s*x..but she chose herself over he baby which she knew had serious issues.

    she thinks that having s*x did cause her labor

  4. Depends what he is doing.

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