
Has having your kids "completed" you?

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Or is their more to life than procreating?

PS I love mine.




  1. most defiantly

    my kids defiantly complete me. I've had children for fourteen years and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  2. I have the most incredible kids in the world... but NO they did not "complete" me and there is much more to life than procreating.  Having kids adds stress, worry, and unspeakable joy.  It definitely makes life tougher... so if you're thinking about having kids, be ready to deal with all that comes with it.  

    (By the way, I LOVE my kids and wouldn't change anything.  Some people just don't realize what they are getting into...)

  3. I have 1 daughter whom i can never live without.I became a grandma at 34 and i just had my second grand-baby a year ago.They are with me a lot granddaughter is now 12 and i could not ever imagine a life without them so yes for me children are what life is all about.

  4. Undoubtedly, my kids completed me.

  5. Yes they did.  I loved them when they were all different ages.  I couldn't say which age was my favorite because I enjoyed each age, watching them grow, learning more every year, seeing them interact with there friends, going to their ball games, and all the other things that go on through the years a child is growing up.

    Now they are adults with children of their own and I get to see them go through the same things their parents went through.  The Circle of life!


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