
Has he ever give you his password?

by Guest59797  |  earlier

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Has your boyfriend ever given you his password to his email?

Is it a good idea?

I mean, what does it mean, does he expect you to look through his privacy or is he testing you?




  1. I have ALL his passwords. To me it means he trusts me but at the same time he knows that I might check them.. that is why he gave them to me. I do not do it often though, There is no need. I trust him aswell. ;)

  2. He has multiple times and I don't ever remember them. If I need them for one reason or another then he gives 'em to me but usually I don't. No reason to not trust him. He also knows my PW's but respects me not to get into my things w/out me being in the room or asking permission first.

  3. it means he trusts you..and you should use take advantage of that trust, just don't abuse it by ferreting through everything on his accounts, just do some innocent poking around.

  4. My former boyfriend, now fiancee has given me his passwords to just about everything.  That would only be something I would advise when you trust the other person 100%.  They will be able to see everything if you allow that, so as long as you have no secrets, then it's fine.  It's a priviledge, so the girl or significant other, should know not to abuse that.

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