
Has internet poker become another victim of crooks, dodgy websites and about to self implode?

by Guest31691  |  earlier

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Has internet poker become another victim of crooks, dodgy websites and about to self implode?




  1. Poker probably has less crooks now than it traditionally used to.. Poker's history is filled with card sharps, gangsters and crooked games. But this huge explosion in popularity is probably unsustainable into the long run...

  2. yes

  3. Not at all.

    I'm sure there are some tiny sites out there that cheat.  But if you play on a mainstream site like Tilt and Stars, you are about as safe as you would be in real life.

    With any luck our new President will legalize online poker to be taxed and regulated.  They will allow American companies to operate such sites, which will take away public apprehension about depositing money in foreign web sites.

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