
Has ipl smoothed the rivalry between international teams?

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how far.




  1. Yaa, somewhat .

  2. no this game was only for money every body played for money not for country.

  3. Well i think ALL the different nationalities got along very well from what i read and heard on news reports..I never heard any reports of any Aussie's and Indians having any verbal altercations-or physical..That was left for someone else to do(And didn't he do it well)....

    Yes i think it would have done alot to help mend the fences-so to speak...

    We heard from Matthew Hayden on the news at the start of the IPL and he said the vibes from the Indian players was very friendly,he said he was enjoying seeing another side to the boys.So yes i think in that way the IPL has been positive-for the players personally and also professionally...

  4. Yes definitely. India are smart to make the IPL because with teams around the world playing together in one team makes them more friends. After Harbhajan Singh gave India a bad name, it is smart that they made IPL so people are more friendly with India. It also gave them a good experience playing with different people around the world and it was fun for them entering huge crowds in India. They also are now used to what India is like.

  5. all have become gandhians , by looking at Gandhiji's pix on the currency notes

  6. Yes - But it started rivalry in National Team (Example: Bhajji slapped Srisanth & Srisanth cried infront of print & electronic media)

  7. Oh yesss!!!!it has...a lot...i mean it's very wonderful seeing ishanth sharma and ponting hugging and hi5ing and all tht...isn't it wonderful?sreesanth and brett lee also have become gud frnds...and many's really wonderful to see all this yess it has played an imp role in promoting frndship among the international teams!!:)

  8. Yes definitely. In each team, there were players from different teams and the team spirit in each team was gr8.. It definitely has  smoothed the rivalry b/n teams.

  9. HA! As if. If there were no rivalry, what would be the use of playing the game? It's the fans who need to get over it!

  10. yes.

  11. i don't think so

  12. i hope not, one of the best things from watching a england vs australia or now india vs australia, is the sledging and passion that comes out. It makes the game more exciting to watch, and is what makes cricket such a great and unique sport, that you have so many mental and pysical challenges, and seperated the boys from men. Test matches is what seperates the boys from men, something people like dhoni and yuvraj should learn.

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