
Has it ever been done?

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In regard to another question about where would your children go if you were to pass away. Has an adoptee ever taking custody of siblings in a situation like this. If I and my husband pass away at the same time Rachael has been emphatic about taking care of my boys. I am just curious, has this ever happened before? For the record Rachael and my boys are half siblings through me.




  1. You can assign gaurdianship to anyone you choose as long as they're over 18. I signed a power of attorney for my friend to take care of my child if I were temporarily incapacitated and she did so when I got ill. It wouldn't have worked out very well if she had not had the power of attorney physically with her when it happened though. To ensure your wishes after death, you need to have a will and have it probated. Best protection is to do both the will if you died and the power of attorney for if you were incapacitated. If your situation is anything like mine, You may want to write an affadavit that your family of origin is abusive, and that you don't want them to have any access to your children should anything happen to you and that you want your daughter Rachael to have full and sole custody and gaurdianship should anything happen to you. State that she has the power of attorney and is named as the children's gaurdian in your will. Include a statement like: "I do swear and affirm that the above statements are true and correct and that I am willing to be held accountable for the truth of these statements in a court of law." Sign it, date it, get your signature notarized. Keep copies. Keep it very short and don't add any gorey details you can't prove in a court of law. Mail it to your local CPS offfice by registered mail. Then you and Rachael have a more solid foundation to fight if they should ever try to give the children to your family of origin. Don't do this until you actually HAVE the will probated and you have the power of attorney in place.

  2. After searching for my bfamily and not liking much of what I found...I added a codicil to my will expressly stating my desire that my bfamily never be allowed access to my minor children.  I hope it never becomes necessary to test this, but I wanted to make my wishes clear that bfamily is not the family I would want for my children should something happen to me and my spouse.

  3. Sure it has been done. I got custody of 2 sisters and 1 brother when I was 19. My parents were alive but too much abuse was going on. It wasn't easy but we all survived it.

  4. I'm sorry I don't know of a situation like this first hand.

    I just want to say though, that it seems like a wonderful thing for siblings to be together
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