
Has it ever happened that u didnt know anyone on ur first day of high school? please help me!!??

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pkay, so im starting highschool in september, and i wont know anyone there at all

do you think i will be okay ??

how should i introduce myself to people, and what will i do at lunch since i dont know anyone?? my school has uniforms so no worries there but should i bring a backback?? and should i wear makeup?? ( i usually wear eyeliner but.. idk)

so if u have any stories about ur first day alone, and not knowing anyone that would be a great help as well as tips on how to look approchable and what to do if i end up all alone :(

im really scared but i know im a fun and friendly person, but what about if i get labled as a loser on the FIRST day with no back up and how do u know who to talk to (as in the "right " group)

please please juts tell me anything that u think will help me

ima be sooo gratefull 2 u




  1. my freshman year i had a class full of seniors (cuz the freshman spanish class was full). i am normally very talkative when my friends are around... but since i didn't know anyone i was really shy. i was scared they were gonna hate me cuz i was a freshman, and i always hated doing presentations in front of the whole class! i never made any friends in that class and i regret it! none of them cared that i was a freshman. they were all nice, and i never got a chance to talk to them. DON'T do the same thing that i did! make friends and don't worry if people hate you or if people judge you. just be outgoing and talk to people! you will have better high school memories!

    Good Luck!

  2. The "right" group?  how sad, good luck

  3. well I didnt know anyone going into highschool and on my first day I made friends. Most teachers do the whole "stand up and introduce yourself" thing so you get to know peoples names..sometimes they will have you say something "interesting" about yourself but I could never think of what to say lol but it often breaks the ice and people start laughing or talking. Just say hi to whom ever you sit next to and ask them a question like what school did they come from. Be honsest with the first person that you get a good feeling about and tell them you dont know anyone or where you should sit for lunch and they may help....I often broke the ice in class when I would either help someone or ask them a question about an assignment and then jsut started talking...You will be fine...the first day goes by fast

  4. Hey,

       First off don't be so worried.  If your a fun and friendly person other fun and friendly people will be attracted to you.  When I was in seventh grade my parents sent me to London, England for boarding school.  I was worried about the same things.  But when I got there I realized everything would be okay.  I'm not saying everyone will love you because that will never happen but you will make friends.  

    Make-up:  Use a little bit, Eyeliner is okay.  Maybe some lip gloss as well but don't overdo it.

    Backpack:  You don't have to bring one.  But it would be advisable to do so.  Make sure its not big and bulky.  Small and sleek is the way to go.  If you don't bring one you could go with a small purse or a big cloth bag.  All those are cute.

    To look approachable smile and wave.  Say hello introduce yourself to other people who are smiling.  

    Friends:  It doesn't matter if you make friends with the popular group because as long as your friends are nice and helpful it won't matter to you.  The right people are those who look happy.  They don't have to be the ones surrounded by the most people.  They can be the shy quiet ones or the sweet loners.  Just follow your instincts.

  5. i had to go through the same thing ....sorta. i moved to canada and started highschool (first year) and of course i didnt know anyone. dont go announcing yourself to people but dont stay in a corner because as the year progresses people would get used to not knowing you and stop trying.and for extra makeup maybe on the first day buy dont make it a habbit or people will get used to it  so when one day you dont feel like it people will think your lazy. hope this helped.

  6. I just came back from a camp where I has to stay 2 weeks with people I didn't know 24/14. Just go up to someone and say HI my name is ____!!!!

  7. I went through the same thing. When i started high school I didn't know anyone for dust but if you just be yourself you will find it easier to approach someone and talk to them. A great way to start talking to new people is during a lesson. I don't know if you will have a seating plan but if you do you can start talking to the person you sit next to and you will probably sit next to them in most lessons.That is what I did and I got through the first few years of high school easy so remember just be yourself. It really helps.

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