
Has it flooded where you live?

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Has it flooded where you live?




  1. Yeah but not any damage

  2. A few weeks ago Before Xmas it flooded quite badly up here in Aberdeenshire, the rivers burst there banks real badly and Fields were flooded real bad too.

  3. You could say yes, but i live on a boat.

  4. Not yet I live in Oxfordshire and it will probably flood tonight

  5. Unfortunately not...and I live at a bottom of a hill!!!

    I used to live on a beach, and we used to get regulary flooded regardless of weather like today...

    ..Work out why we left..

  6. Down the country lanes and it has in my horses field!

  7. yeah in my skool and we still have to go yr 10 s av to do exam in room were its leaking everywere

  8. Yeah, I'm floating around on my kitchen table but at least my laptop and internet connection are still working....

  9. No

  10. yea it did quite badly actually!!!! wasnt too good

  11. usuaully when hurricanes come through

  12. yes. i live in glourcestershire and it is badly effected.

  13. No, I live in the Highlands of Scotland...I may be fine for a few years to come.

    To all you guys who are affected though, take care and I hope everything works out for you :)

  14. It will never flood where I live, we have a disused railway embankment at the bottom of our garden, it is about 15ft deep, so that would have to flood before our estate. We are so lucky really.

  15. Nope - on top of a hill in Scotland - normally when it's raining it's too cold (not enough humidity - whatever the science behind it is!) to rain quite as much here.

  16. no im up hill... im outside manchester

  17. No. It rarely floods here as we are on the coast. So extra water simply flows into the sea.

    I am in Wirral.

  18. Thankfully no.

  19. no not yes but its pouring down..

  20. no. not flooded luckily

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