
Has jealousy ever been a problem in your online relationships?

by  |  earlier

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I recently started chatting with this guy and last night he asked what I was doing and I told him chatting with him and other friends. He actually got upset that I was chatting with other guys. He's 20 so it could just be an age thing but he told me he's really into me.

So in your online relationships, have you ever had a problem with a jealous friend? What did you do about it?




  1. iv never had one but i guess it could be a problem depends on the person though

  2. Only with the one's that push for some sort of relationship when I am not interested. Like a certain troll on here that can't even be brave enough to use his own email address on his profile. But, that's just one psycho loser out of a million.

  3. If you want I could make him an offer he can't refuse.

    Nobody talks harshly to my behrmark. Nobody at all.

  4. No, I guess I'm quite blessed. I've never had any problems with online relationships because I've never wanted, desired or HAD any online relationships.  Oy Gevalt!

  5. Thats what was happening to me so I took a Yahoo vacation.

  6. All I have online are friendships, I don't consider them relationships.  But I guess that may just be semantics.

    I had one web-friend who got jealous when I spoke of other friends, so I told her she either dealt with it or stopped talking to me. She stopped communicating with me.  Her loss.  I will let no one run my life but me - with some input from my real-life gf.

    I hope he 'grows up' and you can have a good friendship with him.

  7. It's not jealousy, it's frustration that obviously he is not worth it if ur talking to someone else...

    And no, jealousy has never been a probllem in my online relationships

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