
Has justice been done?

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The Asian killer of his next door neighbour, a BNP activist, has been jailed for 8 years. Is this justice?




  1. Sounds like one thug killing another- independently of either´s race or idealogy.

    Eight years is never enough for murder.

    Unfortunately we often see people serving far, far less.

  2. No, he should have got a medal

  3. I think some of the posters are missing the fact that he was found guilty of manslaughter not murder!

    The judge was clear that there had been a long history of racially motivated abuse by the deceased and his family.

    I have to agree with Jomamo that no-one involved was entirely blameless or beyond reproach.

  4. The guy was convicted of manslaughter. The jury obviously thought that years of bullying and abuse by a racist thug was enough provocation to merit a lesser charge and sentence. Yes. Justice has been done.

    It is interesting that the BNP and their supporters are trying to make out that Brown was a martyr for their cause. Could it be that they are trying to emulate their German n**i counterparts and create a Horst Wessel?

    I'll bet Nick Griffin is even now exercising his considerable talents as a lyricist and writing a suitable eulogy to the man.

    Just to refresh people's memories and to aid Mr. Griffin here are the lyrics to the Horst Wessel Lied:

    The flag high! The ranks tightly closed!

    SA marches with a brave, firm pace.

    Comrades whom Red Front and Reaction shot dead

    March in spirit within our ranks.

    [Make] The street free for the brown battalions;

    [Make] The street free for the SA man!

    Already millions are looking to the swastika, full of hope;

    The day of freedom and bread is dawning.

    Chargealert has sounded for the last time!

    We are all prepared for the fight/We are all willing to fight!

    Soon Hitler-flags will flutter over all barricades.

    Our servitude will not last much longer now!

    The flag high! The ranks tightly closed!

    SA marches with a calm, firm pace.

    Comrades whom Red Front and Reaction shot dead

    March in spirit within our ranks

  5. I agree with kamran.  This was clearly a case of proplonged and viscious intimidation by a racist thug.  The yob got what he deserved as far as I am concerned.

  6. Well, I don't know enough about the case or how much the Asian suffered with his neighbours but it must have been a fair bit if the crime was manslaughter and not murder.  And to be fair, his son was being attacked, he went to his assistance.   Seems reasonable enough.

    I would agree that the PC brigade are getting out of control and that this is partly what is helping the BNP recruit members.   I have found my views changing over the past few years as more and more immigrants are allowed into the country, legally and illegally.   I now try to avoid speaking to or even referring to Asians or other immigrants in case I say the wrong thing inadvertantly.

    We now live in a crazy country

  7. I agree with Steph J murder is murder no matter what the circumstances . And it should be treated as such

  8. No 8 years is not long enough for murder.

    Murder is murder whether it be committed by an Asian on a BNP supporter or a white  Catholic on a Labour voter

  9. No, perhaps he should have had what would have been meted out in a muslim state - beheading! How lucky is he that he is living in the uk and subject to our and not sharia law???

  10. There are all kinds of laws, and very little justice.

  11. JOMAMO is quite correct, my heart will not bleed for either.

  12. well considering pedos get 18 months...and jails are full....i am quite happy with it.

    Did you want him to be given more? At the end of the day no sentence will bring back this man, at least he got 8 years, I think is the best message sent across to the public, compare o other situations...

  13. The Mechanic is right - what he says makes a lot of sense and sums up what may people feel.  This killer will be out in 4 years thanks to our bizzare justice system of immediately halving any sentence.  Honestly, do you think that a white man would have been given the same sentence if it were the other way around?  This is exactly what is turning people to the BNP - no one seems to there for the working class white man anymore, certainly not Labour and most definitely not Conservative.  That man took another's life and should be jailed for life.

  14. Many years ago i was a young man with a young family , i worked hard and money was short , As there was a baby on the way and because i could not afford the road tax on my car i covered it up with a tarpauline and bussed to work it was insured and tested and i held a full licience, it was reported to the police by a kind neighbor and i had to go to court i had no previos convictions for anything . I was fined £90 a fortune in them days with my wage £26 a week , the next case was a coloured man who had had an accident and did not have insurance road tax or a licience or test certificate he had 9 previos covictions for taking away and driving without due care he was fined £5 .This left me with a tremendius sense of injustice that has never left me. This is just grist for the mill and is not an isolated incident along these lines, While this country favours immigrants in the courts the BNP gets stronger and stronger and soon will be seen by many as the only salvation for Britain to retain its culture . You can literally see the increase in the support for a party that a few years ago was a pariah of British politics . I equate the BNP with the old London brown shirts an abortion . But if the PC brigade keep trying to kill of our culture in favour of another it is ineviterble that an extreem party will take over and then there will be an explosion of frustrated and angry people taking revenge for this stupidity
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