
Has mass immigration caused British teachers to fear teaching scientific Darwinism?

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  1. Sounds about right, theres a lot of things they cant teach now because it might upset the sensitivities of the ethnics. Im sure that history classes have all but wiped away any mention of the british empire. How long until people start forgetting the second world war, industrialisation or colonialism. Pretty much anything that makes britain look better than another country will probably go out the window.  

  2. yes it has and many history teachers are afraid to teach about the holocaust for fear of offending muslims... what a country this is  

  3. Yes, it is against the Muslim religion to believe in science or logical reasoning.  It is a sad state of affairs.

  4. i agree with you laddie. i say they wull nae stop this behaviour due the lack of spine at westminster.

    westminster does nae want to upset a Muslim who believes in the teachings of Mohamed  just look what happens when you give a terddy that name.

    whats the number 1 boys name in england = Mohamed (in all its spellings)  what does that say about the UK and its dwindling identity

  5. No.  It's the christian fundamentalists that are pushing for evolution to be dumped.  Did you not watch the programme?

  6. If by fear teaching evolution you mean be afraid of violence, etc, no, I've never met a biology-teaching colleague worried about that.

    Several have been annoyed at the waste of lesson time when students insist on raising (usually poor-quality) arguments against the theory, so I suppose you could say some see teaching evolution as a wearysome task which they would like to avoid.

  7. Yes!

  8. Teachers should fear nothing as long as its sanctioned as part of the curriculum. If certain religions refuse to listen then they can sod off and pay for their education in a private school where they can pick what can be omitted.

  9. Yes,

    See what cheap labor got you. I hope it is not too late for the USA but I fear the worst.

  10. Doesn't bother me.

    EDIT- I think you've all misunderstood me.  I meant that as a teacher I don't care who has ridiculous ideas about evolution and will continue to teach SCIENCE in science lessons and Religion in RE lessons.  People's objections don't bother me.  How many of the people who condemmed me are actually teachers?

  11. I find it very alarming that in this secular country people choice in myth is even given credence over science.

    Creationists forget there are many creation myths, but we know they revel in ignorance.

    A persons choice in religion is just a lifestyle choice, nothing more nothing less - till they prove 'their' god/s are real.

    I know mass immigration has brought some very backward 'traditions' into the UK.

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