
Has my baby got a milk allergy?

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I have also heard that with allergies often the child has a extra line or fold under their lower eyelid and dark cicrles under their eyes both of which she has.




  1. Just keep pushing your doctors. (When moms have that lingering feeling, they are usually right and there is no need for your baby to suffer) Tell them it is getting worse and the fussiness is getting worse. You do not need a prescription to change milk unless you depend on WIC so you can just switch. If he is really fussy, try to switch to something other than soy. Soy is great, but  you may want to try  Hydrosolate formula. They have cows milk in them but are broken down so small that even an allergy to milk can digest it. These formulas also help with fussiness and are hypoallergenic, and if you are depending on WIC, they will still help pay for it.  I have recently read that these formulas are better in the long run than soy based, but that was in a magazine (I believe Parenting magazine) These formulas are more expensive, but if you have already tried soy to no avail, then these formulas are a good option.

    Info from another site: (link below)

    " Protein Hydrosolate Formulas

    Lactose-free protein hydrosolate formulas contain protein that is broken down to prevent an allergic response. This type of formula may be attractive to parents of colicky babies and those with a suspected intolerance to lactose, the primary carbohydrate in milk.

    Protein hydrosolates work well in babies that are allergic to both cow's-milk protein and soy protein, and for infants with certain conditions that hamper the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, including cystic fibrosis and intestinal surgery. While protein hydrosolate formulas are costlier than cow- or soy-based options, they are a cheaper, less invasive alternative to feeding babies through a major artery.

    Common Brand Names: Alimentum (Ross), Nutramigen (Mead Johnson), Pregestimil (Mead Johnson) "

  2. I wonder if goats milk would be better? and maybe an early taster of foods.

  3. If you've been switching between formulas, this is likely to irritate her digestive system and cause pain and wind.

    Don't change brands unless you have to and if you do, make sure you change gradually over a couple of weeks.

    Also make sure you are using a slow flow teat. 'Nuk' teats can help to reduce the amount of wind and irritability.

  4. My daughter was the same and I suggested to her doctor that she could have reflux. He gave me some medication to try and she has been fine ever since. I got prescribed colief which you can buy over the counter. You out it in their milk and it helps with wind aswell. It's worth a try.

  5. my daughter has been on wysoy since 8 weeks old,she would have runny poos and scream half way through every bottle. She is now 7 months and the docotrs still won't confirm if she has an intolerance even though any food she eats containing dairy makes her sick. I would keep going back untill they test her, also they can prescribe the wysoy which helps as it is more expensive.

    Good luck

  6. My baby did the same thing as your baby.  The doctors kept telling me not to switch off cows milk formula.  Then one day when she was about 5 months, she got this rash all over her body.  The doctors said it was probably not the solid food she was eating since I dodnt introduce anything new.  I didnt ask but I TOLD them that I was going to try soy.  They said ok, I switched and my baby has been better with the rash, the gas, the sleeping, EVERYTHING.  Ask your doctor again if you can switch.  If it doesnt work, you go back.  Keep in mind though that it takes like 3 days to work after that you'll see in improvement.  Most infant milk allergies clear up by the time they're a year old too.  

  7. You really need to work with the doctors on this - try keeping a diary of how often she has wind and for how long and show it to him.

    It's important not to muck about changing her milk - you'll only upset her stomach more, and she's actually more likely to be allergic to soy than to ordinary formula (it's just that most people aren't allergic to both).

  8. I believe that she is lactose intolerant. I believe this because I was lactose intolerant as a child (I grew out of it as I grew up) and I had the same symptoms your child has. And it may not be severe enough to cause diarrhea. Try to find a different doctor! Goodluck!  

  9. My son was diagnosed as being lactose intolerant at about 3 weeks old due to the fact that I was given high doses of IV antibiotics when he was 5 days old and was breastfeeding him - (they think it damaged the lining of his intestines).  At first I went to about two different doctors who just thought it was bad colic but then I took him to a paediatrician who said that it was lactose intolerance - he was getting lots of frothy watery poo and had a bright red, raw bottom from the acidity of it, he would also scream about 15 minutes or so after each breastfeed.  At about 12 weeks he got better as his intestine had obviously healed itself.  When he was about 10 months he weaned himself and I put him on normal formula - within a day he started to get diarrhoea about 8-10 times a day - I wasn't surprised as my husband and I both had a cows milk intolerance until we were around 3 or so, so apparently there was about an 80% chance or something that our children would be the same, we put him on a soy formula (which was alot more expensive - but thank goodness for us he was down to 3 feeds a day by then) and within a couple of days he was fine again.  He is now 4 1/2 and still having Soy milk rather than cows milk.  He isnt as bad as when he was a baby and its now more a build up that effects him (I don't worry too much if something has Whey powder or something in it and milk seems to be fine if it is cooked into something as it looses the enzyme that they react to or something), when he goes to a birthday party I let him have pretty much whatever now, and he may get a bit of a sore tummy the next day and runnier poos but not as bad as he used to be.  But as my husband and I both had it a naturapath told us he is unlikely to grow out of it.  From my experience milk intolerance can be pretty hard to really work out as with some children they react to it straight away and others like my son might not react for a day or so.  All the best, hope I have been some help.

  10. No but sorry i think it might have a s***n allergy

  11. ask a doctor about soy milk, i think

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