
Has my computer got a virus???

by  |  earlier

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Well i have a laptop and i closed the it and it hibernated like usual. I came back in a few hours and opened it and the screen colours were all screwed up and it was mostly green so i restarted my computer and when u log in to xp it has a blue screen well mine was a bright green and the pixels were all fuzzy.

i ran a virus scan and nothing came up. what can i do to fix it, is it just my laptop it is 3 years old but thats nothing

anyone had this happen before and how do you fix it?




  1. It could be the graphical card problem.

  2. lol, its because you must have had a magnetic object near your laptop, they s***w up the screen and make it change colour.

    Its happened to me before so theres no need to worry.

  3. Sounds like a bad screen to me, try plugging in an external monitor. Does the display on the monitor look normal or the same as your screen? If it is the same it is your motherboard (video adaptor).

  4. First off check which operating system you have. If it is Mac OS X or Linux then no - you don't have a virus. If it is Microsoft Windows, you could be in trouble! Next in the virus-checklist, is your anti-virus software up-to-date? If not, then do that now. Next, run a full scan. Next up is to start in "safe mode". Finally, boot up a Linux Live CD to check if everything displays OK. If you're still getting problems by that point, its a hardware problem.

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