
Has my daughter's Mini Rex bunny gone nuts?

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When I first brought Max home, she was a calm bunny, liked to be petted and cuddled, she still likes to be petted and cuddled, but now she will dart up and down the hall! She started this a few days ago. She runs up and down the hall a few times then lay down on the floor, or back and forth in the living room then lay down. Is this normal?




  1. First off dont listen to the person who said get an excercise wheel or ball... BAD idea. I'm sure they meant no harm but rabbits and guinea pigs backs are not flexible like rats, mice and other rodents. Putting them inside one could possibly injure your bunny. Plus its a waste of money.

    Her going "crazy" like that sounds normal. Shes just having some fun & getting some excersise. My rabbits do the same thing, sometimes I wonder if they are crazy or something too! Its pretty funny to watch them sometimes.

    Also liek the other person said she could be going into heat. Once does become sexually mature their personalities can change. One day they are nice & the next day they want to rip your hand off when you try to feed them. Thats why I always suggest males if someone is just looking for a pet bunny... you dont have to deal with so many hormones. Some does arnt that bad when they want to be bred... but if she is one of the bad ones you could have her spayed or maybe get her another female friend.

    All in all though your bunny sounds absolutely healthy & happy :D


  2. I think this bunny needs to start riding the short bus. Just kidding! I'm not sure what's wrong. I don't think it's anything serious. If you are concerned, call a vet.

  3. Try Getting it a wheel to run on or something i think its just got too much energy and it needs to use it!!!

  4. It sounds very normal.  It may be that she is in heat, though.

  5. This sounds normal.

  6. Yeah, It Sounds Normal. It's How They Exercise. After It Gets Tired Out, It Will Stop, Then Probably Start It Up Again!

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