
Has my dog got cancer?

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my dog has a big lump on the side of her stomach it has grown, my mum thinks its cancer and im hoping its not shes going to the vets on wendsday and im really worried, has anyone elses dog had a lump like this?




  1. Unfortunately, there is no way we can tell you yes or no. Only a qualified vet can tell you that. They will have to run certain tests, and examine the lump, in order to find that out.  I hope everything turns out for the best, when you see the vet. Good Luck!

  2. It can be all manner of things, not necessarily cancer.

    Dogs are prone to getting lipomas (which are like fatty lumps and are harmless) They can also get cysts and other assorted lumps and bumps.

    One of my Border Collies has a few lipomas including a small one on her chest and big one on her flank.

    Wait until your vet has a look, though, and try not too worry too much.  Fingers crossed for you and your dog.

  3. its very good you are taking her to the vets :)

    my yorkie is 11 now and he recently had a lump on his shoulder blade quite big. we took him to the vets and it worked out to be a wart  its now gone.  does your dog have other symptoms like eating less tired grummpy hurt to touch, moves when touched? my vet asked me all these questions.

    please dont worry i did with my dog, spend time with her  

    i wish you the very best of luck and your poochy good luck too

  4. Until the mass is aspirated or removed by your vet, you will not have a definitive answer to your question.

    Obviously a very worrying time for you, but as someone else quite rightly mentioned, many masses are perfectly harmless. One of my Dobes had a fleshy wort, cysts, fatty masses, benign tumour (not cancerous).

    Hope all goes well for your dog.

  5. No one can tell you until you see the vet for further testing.  A large growth on her stomach certainly will be a tumor of some kind, but not all tumors are "bad."  Lipomas, usually called "fatty tumors" because they are made up of fat cells are very common in older dogs and they can get to be quite large.  Lipomas are benign masses and do not usually cause any problems for a dog.  But even your vet won't be able to tell you that it's just a lipoma or if it's something malignant until they do a thorough exam and look at cells from the tumor under the microscope.

  6. i think it's not a cancer, u should immediately take her to the vets. don,t worry and be happy. good luck

  7. No one here can give you a yes or no answer, but it might not be cancer. Often these lumps are simply fatty tumors that are not harmful. I've known many lumpy dogs. Your mum is doing the right thing to get it checked out. Don't worry yet. Let the vet tell you what it is.

    Best of luck to you.

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