
Has my friend given up on me?

by  |  earlier

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I had a great friend, who seemed to understand everything I was going through, and be able to tell me what's going on, in my life, but now, when I ring her, she doesn't seem to know how to react to my experiences, and says, "I can't help you anymore, you need to see a professional." Some of my problems are classic panic related issues, but others are general life issues, but she's stopped giving me, her version on things. One of the things she said, was, I've had the same problem for two years, yet things aren't fixed overnight. Is she tired of me? What has happened?

She hung up on me, after a short time, saying she's got to go, and I felt lonely, and abandoned.




  1. Hey, Don't worry. you can post your worries on this and we will give you advices!

  2. panic attacks are difficult to draw a conclusion to because of the diversity of the problem .

    i have a friend of mine who can rarely go out of his home for fear of having a panic attack --- he suffers from agoraphobia --- and no ammount of advice or help can convince him to take one step at a time .

    he is up in years ( and had this condition for quite some time ) but slowly he gets a bit further as time goes by .

    but i guess the crux of your question is --- has your friend given up listening to you !?

    maybe . you see i found it hard to constanly listen to my friend all the time on about the same thing --- i couldn't help him because i am not a professional --- and sadly i felt the same way sometimes just as your friend does .

    the real and possitive reccommendation helped ease the tension with my friend --- when he sought the advice of a counsellor --- i can only suggest you try the same .

    your friend will " come back " when she realises she no longer has to double as a counsellor .

    good luck .

  3. may be she is getting really stressed out her/him self. not o be funny but she/he has her/his own problems and your problems may be its getting to much.just say sorry for telling them all your problems. if that dont work ask what u have done and then talk it over..  good luck  

  4. I think that your friend may be finding that trying to help you isn't really helping her. She may be finding that constantly giving of her time to help you out is leaving her drained, and so she needs help herself which makes this a damaging relationship.

    Another possibility is that she's realised that the problems that you have are too big for her, or she doesn't feel qualified to give advice on them. I know that one of my close friends did this to me a little while ago, and it wasn't that she didn't want to help, it was just that she didn't feel that her advice would be valuable, or wasn't sure where to start.

    It may not be that she doesn't like you anymore or want to spend time with you, it may just be that your problems are too hard for her to solve. Your friends aren't trained counsellors (usually), so even if they want to be there for you, they may not have the best solution.

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