
Has my hamster got wet tail?

by  |  earlier

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She is fine in herself apart from fast brething which sh's had for ages. I've recently noticed blood around her bum when i get her out which is her period as i read up on it. But yesterday i notcied a bad smell around the underside of her bum and she has discharge which i think is what is smelling. I cleaned her out today but she smelt different and worse last night than she does when she needs cleaning out. Is this just normal discharge or could she have wet tail?




  1. I'm sorry to say she probably has. It is either that or diarrhoea. Take your hamster to the vets asap as they can die within 3 days of the first symtoms of wet tail

  2. Sounds like wet-tail. Do not worry, take her to the vets asap to have her on antibiotics.

  3. i would take her to the vets..something isnt right even if it isnt wet tail. better to be safe then sorry. e-mail me with news on your little hammy :)



    Okay, sorry about that...I just had to point out her mistake and ignorance.

    Now, your hamster sounds sick to me, and it does sound like a wet tail alright.

    Calm down, and arrange a meeting with a vet as soon as possible, before it's too late.

    In the mean time, do not give it any sort of fruits or veggies.

    Give it a small piece of bread, and it's usual seeds and pellets, except the sunflower seeds.

    Clean the cage out thoroughly once more, and disinfect it...dry it in the sun (keep your hammy in a clean box or some containers till then)

    Make sure the bedding material is clean.

    Give it fresh water, and keep changing it every 5 hours.

    If this is wet tail, you will definitely notice her tail looking sticky, and the poo will be discolored.

    If there is blood, then the diarrhea has gotten worse.

    Leave your hammy in a dark, silent room.

    Take her to the vet as soon as possible...remember, each second is precious for your hamster.

    I hope your book also has some tips on hamster diseases, and how to handle them...refer to them also.

    I wish you and your hammy all the very best.


    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.¸

  5. Sounds like wet tail, I'd have her to the vet pretty quickly if I were you.

  6. take her to the vets

  7. i would take her to the vets to have her looked up because you can never be sure !

  8. its cancer a fith grade teachers hamster got that too. so take her to the vet.

  9. its wet tail

  10. Take her to the vet!

  11. Sounds serious and if its getting worse take poor little hammie to the vets.

  12. well seperate it from other animas but did u no hamsters can get wet tail if humans have colds but it will die u can not really do anything

  13. If theres blood, its not wet tail. She would be having diarrhea.

    Has her tail gotten wet recently?

    I would call your vet and find out.

  14. VET! hamsters dont get periods! it is very late ansd she may not be saved unless a vet priscribes her something! give her kisses for me!

                                         Good luck! :)♥

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