
Has my jumping position improved and how can i make it better?

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i have been jumping for around 4 years now and i am mainly self taught (with the help of books, pictures, videos) as i cant afford riding lessons and so i was wondering if my jumping postion has improved from when i started and what i need to do to impove it. i know i have many faults when it comes to positions so i need your help! heres some pics...





  1. it has improved a bit! you should try getting into two point when you ride out of the turn, and grab your horses mane. i guarentee this will help you with your position because it looks like your horse jumps pretty hard and cracks it's back over fences. it looks like sometimes you get jumped loose by your horses jump so keeping your heels as far down as possible and arching your back (almost to an over exhaggerative degre) will help your position AND it will help you stay with him. also, after he lands, stay in your jumping position for a few strides after the fence. it'll train you to stay folded over the fences and you'll soon have a very nice position.

  2. If you are looking for equetation arch your back more shoulders wide and tall, to help with this do not pinch your knee, which means try to keep your knees + thighs from touching the saddle but great job for not taking lessons.

  3. its really good in all of them, but yes it has improved. Alot of people are saying you need to straighten your back, which is true, but they aren't really telling you how.

    what you need to do is almost stick your butt back (not too much, or you'll look weird) and bring your shoulders down and back too.

    your position is great.

    i can tell by the pictures your horse jumps alot like mine. To make it have a more graceful jump, be slightly forward to the jump, and in the air, squeeze her forward with your leg. it will give a much smoother jump and also be sure to not let her get too fast after the jump.

  4. its improved alot. but dont lean so far out of the saddle and straighten your back.

  5. have improved...

    What i would say though, is be careful you dont round your back when you lean forward and make sure you dont move your hands up the horses neck, instead push them towards the mouth, keeping a straight line from your elbow to your wrist, down to the horses mouth (straighten your elbow slightly to let the horse move his head instead of moving your hands up on his mane)

  6. looks good. Cracking jumper you have there! ( i mean the horse not your clothes lol)

    The last picture looks really good, you're not too far out of the saddle. To say you dont have lessons you are doing really well.

    One thing i would say is you get a bit too far out of the saddle and instead i would suggest you bend your knees a bit more or even put your stirrups down a notch or two.

    well done though, everything else is going really well. You could judge yourself.

  7. you still tend to hump your back too much... try making sure that your back curves inward when you jump... this helps the landing be much softer for you...

    also give the horse a little more reign... this way he/she will extend his/her neck, making jumping feel a lot more natural.

    other than that you're position looks very put together and in control... you also have a very beautiful horse.

    keep it up!!

  8. it looks good to me   you are out of the saddle a little to much you knees need to be bent more too but good job on teaching your self on it

  9. It has improved. When you jump, be sure to stay leaned forward until your horse lands on the ground.

  10. It looks very good. :] But you seem to 'pop' out of the saddle when you jump, you are much too high out of it, try staying lower, and that's about the only fault I can find.

  11. yer it has its great :D

    GOOD JOB!!

  12. your an awesome jumper!! and your horse is SO pretty!! just make sure you lean forward when you jump more but otherwise it's perfact!!

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