
Has my milk gone off?

by  |  earlier

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I just drank some and it tasted of olives

I checked the expiry date and it said the 30th of august.

Is the olive taste because its gone off?

[I tried in from the carton and from the glass so it wasnt because of the container]




  1. yes it should taste like milk not olives

  2. OMG, what a pathetic question to put on the internet, just throw the stuff away and buy a new one!!!

  3. Don't worry. Max - you'll have a bit of diarrhea. Sometimes themilk gets spoiled earlier if somebody drinks it straight from the carton. Not a big deal! ;-)

  4. Its probably not spoiled, as it doesnt sound like bacteria, BUT if it doesnt taste good dont drink it, products with fats have a high chance of "picking up" other flavors from other things in your fridge, i would suggest getting a box of baking soda and keeping it in your fridge

  5. take it back and tell them is bad so you can get ur money back

  6. yes

  7. Eh, I'd throw it out to be on the safe side.

  8. To be honest i think you should chuck it just to be on the safe side!

  9. It probably has. Although it has an expiration date, milk should usually be used within 7 days of opening even refrigerated.  

  10. If you feel your fridge has odors then you can use all purpose baking soda to eliminate nasty smell. Just buy a new packet and keep it open in your fridge. It will help in absorbing odors. As far as the milk is concerned if you don't want to throw it away. You can do a little bit of a test. Take half cup of milk and heat it on the stove. Once the milk is boiling hot then check the texture of the milk. If its smooth then its good but if it has gone bad then it will curdle up. In that case you will have to throw it away. If you want a guru's advice check out

  11. If you didnt drink the whole carton im pretty sure your safe

  12. If you had olives in your fridge the taste could have seeped through the carton and into the milk.  
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