
Has my parrot been hit?

by  |  earlier

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i baught a macaw at the age of 2 when she is eating food she picks up a seed nut etc really fast and looks at me as if she thinks im going to hit her when shes not looking




  1. Some people think using punishment for birds works and it doesn't. I would really try to desensitize your bird to the world around her by introducing one new thing a day to your bird. It will really help with reducing fears and phobias. As will socialzing your bird to one new person a day (when possible);

  2. I don't think so .. although of course it's possible never know about past owners really now do you?

    my opinion is that the bird thinks you will take its food away ? maybe its previous owner used to not feed him much hard to be sure really or maybe he is juat protective of its food .

    Otherwise I think all is well

  3. Domesticated birds are always sketchy i dont think there is anything wrong with yours.

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