
Has my psychiatrist performed misconduct? Is this normal?

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I’m an adult in my early twenties. I was prescribed Dexedrine (for ADHD) 30 mg daily, 10 mg three times a day, four hours apart, and Zoloft (for Anxiety & Depression) 50 mg daily, in the morning. My psychiatrist said nothing about possible interactions, but look at what I've found here. Has my psychiatrist performed misconduct?

The check was made at with several other sources saying the same sort of thing. The morning after taking my initial 50 mg of Zoloft along with my usual Dexedrine regimen which I already started on three days prior, I woke up exceedingly anxious, jaw clenching, without the same eye focus. Is this normal, and what should I do?




  1. The first thing to do, would be to go in to your pharmacy, taking both pill bottles with you.

    Tell the pharmacist what happened.

    He/she will do 2 things for you

    1) open the pill bottles, and check to see you have the correct medications in the correct dosages.

    2) will look-up, whether on computer or in the pharmaceutical book, to check for a bad drug interaction, also will check for possible side effects that may include what you have experienced.

    The second thing for you to do, is to report your symptoms to your Dr.

    To answer your question, it is unlikely that the actions of the doctor, given your side-effects experienced.   Do beware of what you read on the internet, as anyone can post an opinion, whether it be proven factual or not.

    Zoloft in the 50 mg dose is rather a small, beginning dose.  It is unlikely to have caused the symptoms you have named.

  2. I'd blame the Pharmacist. They should catch that sort of interaction.

  3. I'm not sure that this would fall under the umbrella of misconduct...poor judgement maybe...but a lot of medications have risks when combined.  Some are just a bit more extreme.  Part of the process is you being very open with him/her and telling him the side effects so that your medications can be adjusted properly.

  4. d**n I thought it was something sexual.

  5. Call your doctor ASAP and tell them about the side effects you are having.  Often a doctor or psychiatrist will prescribe medications that will effect the other, but the doctor tries to determine if the two together have any benefits or is it just too risky.  In your case I would say they thought the two together out weighed the negative reactions.  

    If you are very worried, go to the ER for the time bing then talk with your psychiatrist on Monday.

  6. be careful mixing med. people die from this . many times docs dont pay attention to what they are mixing try noni juice it works ownders and is all natural . alot of the meds being prescribed are very dangerous . and they are finding now adhd and all that is a hype . and many are dying from the meds do reading on these issues one site to look at is afra they have links on these issue .. be careful .  

  7. It's not serotonergic syndrome if that's what you're worried about. The effects of the amphetamine have been amplified. It'll go away. Misconduct? No, but he did take a risk in giving you those drugs together that he didn't inform you of.

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