
Has ne1 had a bonemarrow biopsy done?

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hi im due to have 1 done this week and just wondering if ppl could share there experience with me and did ne1 get a sedative to calm them ?? thank u in advance ,kirsty xx




  1. Its a painful procedure but the duration is short and they will give you painkillers after the procedure. you can find some info here

  2. hi honey, sorry to hear about your troubles. i think you deserve the truth at a time like this so i'm not being cruel. my step-daughter had one done last year and like the lady before said you do get a small anaesthetic but she said it was still very uncomfortable. the GOOD news is it gave the doc's enough information to determine her treatment and after what seems like a very long time we finally have her back to normal. she,s out having a driving lesson just now and hopes to pass her test before she turns 20.

    good luck to you.

  3. When I got mine, it was probably not the worst thing I've ever gone through, but I've also been through a lot. They do a local anesthetic and numb the area they want to biopsy. In all honesty, you can still feel it, but it's not too bad. It's like a dull achy feeling. It feels like a huge, thick needle, but it's really not.

    They do give you sedatives. I was talking to the nurse about her rings when the doctor was digging away at my spine. Ha ha! That's how sedated I was.

    The pain afterward was probably the worst out of the whole ordeal. I'd say on the good ol' pain scale, 4 our of 10. Again, the dull achiness. Nothing a little MS Contin didn't fix. I'm sure Tylenol would have done the trick, but the hospital just got a little morphine happy.

  4. the only thing I know is they only do a local antistatic. They will tell you whats going on and you will have a VERY sore back afterwards.  

  5. Hi! I've never had one done but my father did. It isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, and you will have a antistatic, so you'll be out cold. If you have any questions you could email me if you want. . . best wishes x

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