
Has one victory against Celtic wiped away the pain of defeat against Kaunas and being out of Europe in August?

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Isn't it a shame Murray waited so long to sign Davis and Mendes?

If he hadn't been so tight with his money then maybe Rangers (along with Cuellar) would of joined Celtic in the group stages.

Fair play though, the better team won today but there is a long way to go




  1. I doubt very much if Sunday's result will ease the pain of losing to Kaunus. I'm sure all at Ibrox and all bluenoses will only forget that debacle if the SPL title is won.

  2. Haha - listen to Utrinique?  They cared about Europe last season!!!

    Why is he telling you to stop being so interested in rangers, i just answered 3 of his questions ALL concerning Celtic

  3. Who cares about feckin Europe.  You are a closet tim, why are you in any way concerned about Rangers ?

    So much for you bold predictions earlier this talk p1sh, all the time.

    Naw, you make your mind up.  Celtic got shafted, deal with it.

  4. had Rangers beaten Kaunas and the Aalborg, they would not have Boughera, Davis or Mendes in thier squad, i also think they would have still cashed in on Cuellar

    the only reason these players were bought, and Edu too, was through panic and to calm the fans down.

    usual penny pinching thats been covered up. Surely a fair few Gers fans can see it

  5. the SPL  is ours !!!!!!!

    as for yer question mibbees aye mibbees naw ! idon't live in the past ! (1967)

    the futures bright the future is ????


    oh aye i just looked up a wee vid fur you

    motorhead rules lol

    you can get yer rocks off to the other guys lol !

    2 k??? of what now you have me interested ??

    2 kit kats??

    Kirkcaldy folk woulnae know wit 2 grand looked like

  6. Lets just say it has helped ease the pain.

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